SFML module (Working on it)
SDL module
Liblapin module
Allegro5 module
Compatibility with EMSCRIPTEN (with sdl2 for example)
Ogre3d module
bgfx 2d module
bgfx 3d module
box2d module
bullet3d module
imgui module
JSON helper module (nlohmann Json)
XML helper module (pugi)
Yaml helper module
INI helper module
editor with IMGUI
ecs module
static reflection module
magic enum module
Add a plugins_registry
Add lua scripting
Add python scripting
Add chaiscript scripting
Write a preprocessor module
Write a centralized error manager
Add a timer/fps class
Write a world module
Write a scene manager module (in Lua)
Using systems as plugin (c++)
Using systems as script (lua / python)
Using system as header-only c++
Using scenes as script
Input Module
Write a Facebook API in lua
Write a Steam API in lua
Network Module
CLI Tooling for project management
graphical plugin (not finish yet but usable)
animation plugin (not finish yet but usable)
audio plugin
video plugin
serialize/deserialize/save plugin
resources plugin (usable, improvable)
graphical plugin
animation plugin
resource plugin
Add prologue
Add build scripts
Add more game_templates
Improve the code
Last updated 6 years ago